Yearly archives: 2012

Healthcare Information Systems and Standards: what really matters

Current initiatives worldwide are aiming to deliver a healthcare system where care integrity is improved and at the same time the risks of adverse events are reduced, both through seamless information interchange between systems and care providers. Achieving this goal of a ‘joined-up’ care information system has certain crucial pre-requisites: […]

Key Issues in Electronic Health Information Infrastructures: what really matters

In the life of an EHII or EHR system, there are a number of key considerations which determine the required functions of the system as well as various aspects of its construction and incorporation of standards.  These essentially define the requirements for the procurement process, and have been set out […]

London International University – licenses HIC’s CHI & DipHI courseware, texts and exams

  “Having successfully passed LIU’s curriculum evaluation and marking requirements, LIU is pleased to announce it’s endorsement of HIC’s Certificate in Health Informatics and Diploma in Health Informatics programs to be included in the solutions we offer our tertiary education clients in North America, Asia, Middle East, Africa and in […]

LIU Endorsed